The Clarity Of Perception

The Clarity Of Perception

       If ever you meet an all-powerful Genie, Archangel or Quantum Computer that has the ability to grant your deepest Wish, when you ponder just which Treasure would best benefit, you could not possibly Wish for anything greater than Clarity!
       From my Book; Heaven’s Matrix, An Astonishing Vision Of Anunna-Ki:
       The scope of Human vision is, by all definitions of the word: sight, very limited. If our eyes were checked and rated, against all the known varieties of the animal kingdom, our vision would be rated near the bottom. We have an extremely limited color spectrum, our perimeters are bound by our physical limitations and functional distance vision, varies dramatically from person to person. Humans cannot see closely either, as whole Worlds are shown Microscopically, while we remain completely unaware.
       Strangely, for an animal supposedly evolved, on this World, processed by millions of years as; Hunters and Gatherers, our eyes get damaged extremely easily in direct sunlight. The limits of Human night-vision, is evidence against a subterranean evolution, relatively blind, even at low-levels of Light deprivation.
       Adding to the problem is; Human perception of what we view, is limited by these physical attributes, we call senses, as well as our personal values. The way each individual’s environment, even principles and religious beliefs, cause our brains to color or filter what we perceive, often leading to denial of what we actually see. An example of this is the historic meeting of Christopher Columbus and the indigenous people living in the Caribbean Islands, called Taino, who reportedly could not see the ships in their harbor, and thought those people had come from the sky, because they had no perceptual reference for ships!
       Perception is altered, and fooled, by simple misdirection, or even distance from the Audience. Being too close to the subject, even with the best vision, is misleading: If you’ve ever attended a Magic show, then you can attest to the ease at which we can be distracted from the truth, or when attempting to hang a picture on a wall, most people make several tries at leveling, and will have to step back, until they get a bigger orientation of the full surroundings.
       So, we build tools to assist our perceptions, no, not just Laser Light Levels, and the high technology of recent sciences, but, the simple tools of our historic past, still aid in observation. Using tools for observation has its own perceptual problems too: causing a narrow view, and reliance on the tool, itself. Tools are altered, in turn, by their Inventors perceptions too, often used against their inventor’s purpose; I note the so-called, Lie Detector or Polygraph. John A. Larson invented the original, to monitor the physical reactions of deception, very publicly warned against the use as a detector of deception, but, is still in use as just that!…
       …And, the tools we build to assist in observation are limited by our technological capabilities, as well as the ability to process the results. I note: in the 1970’s, Astronomers claimed to have found the shape and size of the known Universe. Now, we know this was just the limits of the instruments being used, at the time, in 2018, our instruments show an ever-expanding Universe, with no defined edges.
       Dimensions beyond our perceptions of reality, may be co-existent and interacting with us, possibly even subtly manipulating our narrow views. Beings long thought to be Myth, may simply be able to use other Spectrums as an adaptive camouflage, or doors to parallel worlds!
       Quantum Physics has determined that the act of conscious observation alters and even creates our reality, so a clear perception may well be essential to the keys of creation, itself! Clarity of individual perception should never be confused with skepticism, which, though originally defined as: thoughtfulness, has become inextricably intertwined with Cynicism; an automatic denial or doubt of disagreeable facts. A true Skeptic has the ability to let-go of doubt and immerse themselves, whether culturally disagreeable, or not, because an open Mind is the single-most important component of clear and truthful conclusions.
       Of all the Treasures our Universe has to offer, I can think of NO greater than seeking Truths that don’t require belief…to seek the Clarity of Perception is to seek the highest goal our species can attain.

-WHY?-                                   The Eternal Question Of Sentience

-WHY?- The Eternal Question Of Sentience

In the past, I was mulling this as a question of ‘consciousness’, but, have had to re-assess and re-define my understanding of the use of the Term: consciousness, recently. New developements in the science of Quantum Physics, have provided ways to experimentally evidence the consciousness that all material in the Universe shares, to varying extent. For further analysis, please read my past Article, titled; Re-defining Consciousness * Re-learning Ancient Wisdom

The question, then becomes; just what is intelligence, and what separates Human sentience from lesser forms?

In our history, this has been debated by both, Philosophical and Natural Sciences, even Mathematics, as a conglomerate called; Sacred Geometry, has attempted to discover what differentiates sentience. Physical values like toolmaking abilities or opposable Thumbs, have been proposed and discarded as requirements of intellect. This cognitive behavior has been found in many animals, like; Crows and other Fowl, Insect examples include Army (Legionary) Ants, many forms of Mammals: Horses, Dogs and Cats, and of course, Aquatic life, such as Dolphins and various Whales.

With so many examples of intellectual sentience, one might be tempted to think that there is no real separation between that found in animal or Human form. Many experiments have been done in the past 100 years, or so, Biological experiments have tended to equate sentience to proportional Brain size. This conclusion denies the documented cognitive behavior evident in even the smallest of animals and insects, both Crows and Honeybees can solve puzzles in controlled laboratory testing.

Since the late 1850s and Darwin’s proposal of the Human species as a Simian with “larger Brains” (which he later abandonded), most experiments included Chimpanzees and Great Apes. These tests seem geared to conclusions that communication and language were the divide of human-to-animal sentience. These experiments ended, abruptly, in the 1980s, when it became apparent that Dolphins and several species of Whales, through both private and Military tests, had proven their communication was better than humans and they had complex forms of language!

But, one experiment done in the 1960s, was a very simple, action and reward test, which included different species of Simian and children aged 3 to 5 years old, that may have stumbled to a correct conclusion. The experiment set the action of a round cylinder, with flat ends, to stand upright, with a food or candy reward when the action was done. Both, the children and the Simians were equally able to properly perform the task.

When the cylinder’s ends were altered, so they would not stand upright, the children were able to question the problem and then use other items (paper, clothing etc.) to stand the cylinder. None of the Simians tested could complete the test, instead would become frustrated, angry and/or give-up the effort.

The conclusion that the separation, in terms of the differences of inteliigence, was the ability to form the question: WHY, not the ability to use tools!

Although I would like to see this experiment repeated with other species, the use of children would likely be objectible, nowadays. There has been ongoing research with Dolphins and Whales, that show comparable intelligence to humans, using similar testing, but their ability to alter their environment is a vast chasm of sentience.

If consciousness is defined as identity or soul, if you will, then one of the requirements for sentience is individuality, another is complexity. I call this layered individuality, which increases as different species reach what is known as: critical mass. This is better known as; the 100th Monkey Effect, a 30 year long experiment involving Japanese scientists study involving Snow Monkeys. In summary; when 99 Snow Monkeys learned something new, the 100th monkey who also learned, triggered the same knowledge in the whole species. When Snow Monkeys on other islands suddenly exhibited the same patterns, though separated with no possible connection.

I conclude that related species sentience increases as their Collective Consciousness is altered, layer upon layer and individuals are able to access their summed complexity. Obviously species normally act in a Herd Mentality, but, when individuality increases, species sentience increases in like fashion.

As recently as Albert Einstein or Nikola Tesla, and, at least as far back in written histories of Siddhartha Guatama, knowledge has been learned that has factually increased the whole of human sentience, they documented as recieving in trance or meditation. This is how we have leaped the wall enclosing our Herd Mentality.

So, when your child starts asking, “WHY is the Sky Blue?”, answer each question carefully and as fully as possible, if you don’t know the answer, you know how to point the direction! Make knowledge easily available and always honestly truthful, with eternal questioning we become an infinitely sentient species!

The Gravity Of The Matter

The Gravity Of The Matter

Gravity explains almost everything.
But, what is Gravity, why and how does it explain, well, everything?
For that, we need to start at the beginning, or, more accurately, before the beginning.
SO, let me start with the Academically accepted explanations; of course, we must begin with Sir Isaac Newton’s Law of Gravity, which doesn’t explain Gravity, but instead, describes its action as a force of attraction between things having Mass. Herein quoted, ” Every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the particles and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.” Newton’s Theory is shown mathematically as; FG = Gm1m2/r2 , the Force of Gravity is equal to its difference in Mass and their distance between each other (highly paraphrased).
This theory remained unchanged and unchallenged, for several hundred years. until it was found this theory did not work with Astronomic observations of Planetary Orbits. Albert Einstein developed a set of 10 Mathematics equations called, Einstein’s Field Equations which attempted to explain Gravity, not as a Force, but as a consequence of the curvature of, what he called, Space time, caused by uneven Masses in the Universe.
Problems with Einstein’s theory include the continued existence of rotating singularities called, Black Holes, also his descriptions of an Expanding and Contracting universe, which Data shows no existence of. Presently, Quantum Physics is grappling with theories that include a sub-atomic particle called, Graviton, which, in seemingly direct opposition to the fiction of Dark Matter, is claimed to be exponentially energetic, with no Mass. Obvious problems include the quandary of smaller than particle, particles, sort of a Flash Gordon fix, and a non-definition like the proponents of String Theory’s ever-changing descriptional mathematics, which are so contradictory that they have even changed the title to; M-Theory, to avoid scientific stigma.
So, at its essence, the physical presence of Gravity is inextricably linked to creation of the Universe, itself. The real problem of properly describing Gravity, is the accepted perception that physical Mass must have an equivalency to its Gravity. Nothing can be further from the truth of evidence though; even the largest planetary and Solar masses exist in an ocean of non-gravity, some of the smallest masses can have incredibly dense gravity, like Quasars, and Black Holes are thought to have no mass but for that they devour.
Allow me to take us to a point very few Physicists and Astronomers care to go: pre-creation Space…before Time, before anything. Most of these esteemed academics accept theories that include some kind of elemental Chaos existed, then was pressured by a super-singularity, or Black Hole, to explosion of the Big-Bang, which then flung hot matter to cool into Stars and Planets. Very nicely wrapped Cosmology, without explanation of the creation of the elemental Chaos necessary for this theory’s proof.
Before anything physical existed was nothing, more accurately, there existed: potential. In this nothingness, motion started, eventually becoming a rotation, this rotating became its own potential Energy and personal relativity was born. You can see this in the antics of the Astronauts aboard the International Space Station, while playing with Water drops in Space. They prove that everything becomes circular, when deprived of Gravity.
Now, this rotation attracted to its personal relativity, became circular and pressure occurred, which changed the potential Energy to varying Radiations that were being trapped and compressed, like Gamma, X-Rays etc. Pressure and Gravity both create Heat and experimentally have resulting data showing they can mimic one another, but, together they make magic!
Einstein’s equation of General Relativity: E=MC2, mathematically shows how Energy can create Mass, by dividing itself at 2 times the Speed of Light, C. The equation is then read: M=E/C2. Physicists have called this, the Big Bang!
My view of Cosmology has multiple Singularities that simultaneously collapse on the original, enormous parent, singularity, which cause the Big Bang and the original singularity instantly expands, becoming the Chalkboard, where everything is now drawn. Quantum Physics has a theoretical term for it: the Spin Network. The explosion also causes the creation of the, light Elements, which is observationally shown with Hydrogen, being found everywhere in the Universe. Surviving singularities, small Black Holes, then compress the light Elements with heat and Radiation, becoming the Heavy Elements.
Academic paradigm is being glacially changed due to the mountain of evidence, in both observational and experimental data, such as astronomic verification of masses forming in the layers of pressure in Atmospheres of so-called; Gas Giants, like Jupiter and Saturn, or the International experiment of deep drilling called; The KOLA Deep Borehole Project.
The answer to the question of what is Gravity, stated as simply as possible, becomes: Motion.
I’ve shown that all Matter, or Mass, is a Sum total of its Energy and can be described as vibrating, potential Energies. This is why Mass has its own Gravity, which is increased by rotational Motion.
Gravity, explains almost everything!
I know this is a simplistic definition of a complicated subject, so I would like to direct the Reader to my Book: Heaven’s Matrix, for a deep dive into my theory of Cosmology.
I would also like the reader to realize that Gravity being the product of Energy in Motion…Anti-Gravity could be as simple as perturbation of this Energy!?

The Cult Of Academia

The Cult Of Academia

A Religion Of Science

The Wiz

   "Back where I come from we have universities... ...seats of great learning, where men go to become great thinkers, When they come out, they think deep thoughts... ...with no more brains than you have, But they have one thing you haven't got: A diploma! Therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me... the Universitatus Committeeatum E Pluribus Unum... ...l hereby confer upon you... ...the honorary degree of Th,D, ' Th,D,'? Yeah, that's ' Doctor of Thinkology'", quote from The Wizard of Oz script, 1939.
   In fact, anyone can be just as qualified and expert, in any field, through personal motivation and experience, than any institution of higher learning can provide. The actual value of a College degree, in which a study in 2017 had only 44% of College Graduates working in fields related to their degree, and only 12% of advanced degrees work in fields relating to their College Major. To be fair, those who earn degrees tend to make more money, even when employed outside their fields.
   I don't intend to demonize or lessen the positive impact that Public schooling and higher Education has on improving lifestyle, societies and personal growth. Our present-day problems beget from acceptance of formal education as an omnisciently  qualified source, even to the point of personally discrediting information because the sources had no academic credentials. That the information is true, has little or no bearing, if the information disagrees or varies from already accepted academic positions.
   Even if the source of data comes from those previously academically credentialed, when presenting evidence in contrary to accepted practice, the Peer-pressure has often led to those individuals' being publicly disgraced and driven from their employment. An example of this is the humiliating treatment Nuclear Scientists; Martin Fleishman and Stanley Pons (both had PhD doctorates), after making Public announcement of successfully creating Energy at room Temperatures, known as: Cold Fusion. Neither could work in the Nuclear field after their academic abandonment, but their results were duplicated by the US Navy in 1992, now renamed LENR, or, Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, because of the stigma attached with the use of Cold Fusion as a descriptive phrase. No apology has ever been offered to  Dr Fleishman or Dr Pons.
   Religion and academics have become inextricably intertwined, though you could truthfully say they are historically bound. Priests and Shaman were the first Teachers of Humanity, their places of worship were their educational institutions. There, they would promote unquestioning belief in the knowledge and Attributes of Goddesses or Gods, and the benefits they offered for their loyalty.
   So, since the most ancient times, Faith in authority, and the penalties of Sin, or  dis-belief, have been infused into the Human psyche.
   Modern education, in the European and Western traditions, is based in the Roman Catholic religion, specifically, Jesuit Monasteries seeking to reconcile known history, to validate their Christian beliefs. The result of mis-translations performed by mostly ignorant, if well-meaning priests, many of which were inserting their own alterations for personal motives, has presently led to a perceptual  history that seeks to validate one religious view.
   Christian-based educational institutions are in the vast majority, even in the United States, where the Public Education system has now become the template wherever schools are available worldwide, must hear the constant call for prayer to be acceptable conduct in school. Even what we believe to be impartial: Science, is subject to religious perception and morality, starting with each individual's religious background, and how our perception of reality is filtered through individual personality, wishes, wants and beliefs.
   But, all true science is speculative, it is intended to be continually changeable, and true science is actually a methodical practice, not the results. The Scientific Method originated in ancient Greece, then codified for academic use by Sir Francis Bacon. The basic components of this structure are: Observation, Hypothesis, Experimentation, validation of Results and final Conclusion. When alternative evidence is provided, it must be tested, not cynically denied, and if a science cannot be experimentally tested, then it is not a science, but, becomes a belief, whose teachers are more the equivalent of Priests!
   This is especially detrimental because of societal acceptance of these ministers as providers of higher truths, when, in fact, they are providers of confusion and their beliefs are actually holding society hostage on a Flat Earth! In reality, if you need belief, then it is  not a science, or even truthful, I call it manipulation.
   Individuals who refute or reject what is academically acceptable are subject to scorn, mockery and even death, the results when long-held beliefs are threatened. Even when those beliefs are provably incorrect, new information is denied and often ignored because new paradigms must be formed. 
   In the early 1800's Naturalists discovered the ruins of an ancient Sumerian city named; Ur, and its vast library of Cuneiform-inscribed clay tablets. Cuneiform language was translated into a readable form by the mid-1800's, and by the end of the Century the Epic of Gilgamesh was found to have remarkable parallels to the version of Noah's Ark and the Great Flood, found in the Torah and Pentateuch (which are one and the same) of the Bible.
   Academically ignored until the latter-half of the next Century, the study of  Cuneiform had continued until an Archaeologist with a Doctorate caused Public uproar, by making those religious parallels known. He was academically mocked by his Peers until his death, but he had caused serious study, presently, the World's foremost Linguists have determined that all the stories of the Torah/Pentateuch are retelling of Sumerian sources, written in Cuneiform thousands of years before the Hebrew versions.
    Those are written as a Moralistic story form called, Parable, and the Hebrew verses also have deeper Kabbalistic meaning, because the Hebrew Alphabet also has numerical meaning and is coded as historically written. Factually, we now know these religious texts are not documentary history, they are not accurate, nor are they scientific in any sense of the word.
   This obviously discredits any academic Doctorates and Degrees bestowed that support the false paradigm of Biblical history, an acceptance of which might collapse the whole academic structure! Possibly the structure has a faulty foundation, which needs to be rebuilt, or we need better architects? 
   It appears that any academic fundamentalism is problemary, at best, for example: after more than 100 years, Physics is still looking for Dark Matter, even though evidence has proven contrary, or Evolution, which has as much fossil and artifacts in evidence against the Theory, as it publicly parades in favor. Astronomy and Cosmology are just as bad, when there is a consensus that the age of the Universe is 14 Billion plus years, but Microwave analysis (as far as our tools reach) have the Universe's diameter at 95 Billion light years! Psychology only works when subjects are unaware of manipulation, and cannot explain physical reality, only the perceptions that some have of reality.
   If Racism is defined as belief that your Skin color qualifies your superiority of species, then Academic-ism  is a factual definition of a perceptual superiority, not a physical reality. Because of manipulation through marketing of educational sources, like Colleges and Universities, and privatization of what was once Public schooling at the Elementary level, academics has become self-serving and money oriented. 
   Graduates are immediately indebted to economic systems that are only backed by the Debt their Citizens accumulate, so advanced degrees seek higher Wages, to help pay their burdens even though Wages and Intellect are provably false equivalents.
   Human value should never associate their worth, with their academic accreditation or manipulate especially young, who seldom know their vocational futures. Advice, though seldom taken, and always offered, is all I can give,  I would caution those looking for higher Wage-paying employment, to seek minimum accreditation needed, like Vocational or Community College, because employment percentages of those Certifications tend to be much higher (80% or higher), and only seek those Graduate Degrees direcly associated with your chosen employment.
   In 16 years of employment with the United States Postal Service, I felt fortunate to work with so many intellectually motivated people, many had College Degrees, including 6 who had PhD's, and uncounted numbers of those with Master's. It's because the USPS only employs after written and instructional Testing, has hopefuls scoring 90% and up, then Hiring the best. It's been my experience that Master's degrees are more adaptable workers than PhD's!
   Knowledge has never been more available, to more people, than in our present day. Satellite imagery has allowed any person with a passion, the chance to research, study and enjoy the World, as far as our personal passions will take us...even to Space! SO WHAT, if you never gain or complete a College Degree? I will never place those with academic accreditation on a pedestal, neither will I denigrate  them, as long as the Cult, is not yet passing-out the Kool-Aid, or creating super-Villains!
The Cult Of Academia

Redefining Consciousness * Re-learning Ancient Wisdom

People who have learned the English language, after living with almost any language other than English, all have similar opinions regarding the inherent complexity of the system, made even worse by single words with multiple meanings; Consciousness, is an example of one of the worst!

According to Miriam-Webster, here’s the definition;

 CONSCIOUSNESS: (noun) con·​scious·​ness | \ ˈkän(t)-shəs-nəs 1-a : the quality or state of being aware especially of something within oneself b : the state or fact of being conscious of an external object, state, or fact c : awareness especially : concern for some social or political cause The organization aims to raise the political consciousness of teenagers       2 : the state of being characterized by sensation, emotion, volition, and thought : mind         3: the totality of conscious states of an individual           4: the normal state of conscious life regained consciousness          5 : the upper level of mental life of which the person is aware as contrasted with unconscious processes

Let me Summarize: the Dictionary description of consciousness is; (a. b. c.) AWARENESS, as a general description. MIND, which they define as the physical senses and all thoughts, apparently. NORMALITY, of physical existence? #4 of Webster’s definition seems undefined, at best, possibly in an attempt at combining with # 5. WAKEFULNESS, as opposed to being comatose.

OK…if this isn’t confusing enough, what the Medical professions have done with this single Word, is to seemingly make it an ill-defined, catch-all phrase! Sigmund Freud, founder of all Psychoanalysis, theorized 3-states of consciousness, which included a Pre-consciousness that he covered all potentials of awareness! I have a single English word in mind for Freud’s definition: HOGWASH!

The need to redefine the term of Consciousness, is, Physics…specifically: Quantum Physics! Experimental review has repeatedly shown that the Universe reacts when observed. Excerpt from my latest Book: Heaven’s Matrix (Pub 2018); That consciousness affects physical reality, is experimentally provable, and the same results always accrue. As shown in the (famous), Double-Slit Blind Experiment; a single Photon, directed at a point, when shot in-between equal slit openings, will move through both slits equally, in a wave-pattern, unless the experiment is viewed! When the experiment is actively observed, the single Photon will move through only one slit at-a-time, as a Particle! Even weirder, has been shown to change previous data, as if Time-Traveling to correct itself! The inference being; that by conscious observation, we create the appearance of Particles, and there are measures the Universe has, to correct itself! By further inference, in the grandest sense, our Universe is the expanded Matrix of Quantum consciousness! In other words, a Living Universe, which, in turn, infers a Universal Consciousness! Of course, a new catagory of science, born from these results, has been coined; Panpsychism. Although this Philosophy actually dates to Greek history, it was championed by some Physicists as early as 2001. As reported by NBC News in 2017: a growing number of accredited Physicists are presently adding experimental data in confirmation. Even the late, great, Stephen Hawking was forced to alter his fundamental position that the Universe had formed randomly, which he posited in his original publication called; The Theory of Everything. By his death in 2018, Professor Hawking altered his position to theorize a Holographic Universe, which requires a Quantum Consciousness. This theory also virtually eliminates the Jungian Pyschology of Synchronicity, intead, a purposeful, non-random Universe is shown. Further, a Universe of, by, and created from the intertwined action of consciousness observing consciousness, destroys another of Carl Jung’s favorite phrases; Collective Unconsciousness, simply doesn’t work in a conscious Universe.

A reality of each and every part of our Physicality, down to individual Electrons having a conscious being, may be hard to picture, unless you realize Einstein has already explained it, beautifully and simply: (excerpt from Heaven’s Matrix)

Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity explains the relationship of Energy and Mass, by the mathematic equation: E=MC2.

When using mathematics for proof of Theorem, you must be able to flip, or reverse, your equation. So, if you wanted to find the answer to C2 (the speed of Light, squared), the equation would read; C2=M/E, meaning, the speed of Light, squared, equals Mass divided by Energy. Of course, to find out how to create Mass, the relativity equation then becomes; M=E/C2, concluding that the creation of Mass, requires Energy to be divided, at the speed of Light, squared.

The Singularity that began everything, by logical extrapolation, must be conscious, or, be consciousness itself! We can then express Einstein’s Relativity equation, a bit differently: if E is named Quantum consciousness, or, God, M for Matter, or, the Universe itself, and C2, remains as the speed of Light, squared. The physical Universe (M) was created by the act of God (E), choosing to divide itself, at the speed of Light, squared (C2) … in other words, the Big Bang! This explosive occurrence became the expanding Matrix, that all Mass exists in, or, Space, itself!Now, a clearer definition would be; consciousness is Individually Relativistic Quantum Cohesion…or, the particles created by each individual observing another, is bound by their relative similarities of vibrating Energies, at a Quantum level.

Presently, the newest technologies called Artificial Intelligence are attempting to market intelligence as an equation of consciousness. The correct term in English is sentience, as a measure of intelligence, not of consciousness. My research has caused me to theorize that sentience, is a layering of complex consciousness, not necessarily related to brains. According to NewScientist: this French Civil Servant who died in his 70’s got along fine without 90% of normal brain! Just think…higher level sentience might be the Synapses of the Living Universe’s own form of brain!

I have to point out, in review, none of the previous definitions of consciousness, comes close to defining reality. Ancient philosophies are now shown to have better, more descriptive terms like: Soul, Spirit, and Chi. Egyptians, among many Worldwide cultures regarded the soul as many parts, Egyptians listed nine parts of the human soul, which explains why they purposely separated organs in Canopic Jars, to make the journey of the soul easier after death.

We have language that better represents what is intended to define, like; Awareness, Self-Awareness, Wakefulness, Comatose (NOT unconscious), and Sentience, instead if the ill-chosen and obviously incorrect English word who’s miss-use has caused near meaninglessness.

We have known the accurate definition of Consciousness, almost as long as our existence, through Shamans and Priests, as an Individual Identity of Spirit that permeates everything, binding us in a creative, Living Universe!

Typing Civilization

Typing Civilization

    An Astrophysicist, named Nicolai Kardeshev, came up with a Theory of HOW we could tell an advanced Civilization, when searching the stars. He coined the term; ‘Typing’, or classifying Civilizations, based on their apparent Energy consumption/control. Nicolai gave us the Terms; Type One, Type Two & Type Three civilizations. Although other, later researchers have tried to add even more advanced Societies, they call Type Four etc., I think the original Theory suffices. Nicolai defined each: a Type One civilization controls their immediate environment’s Energy, or a ‘Full-Planetary’ control, including a World Government, & Weather Control. Type Two civilizations would be able to harness a Sun’s Energy, & this is where the ‘Dyson Sphere’, a Theoretical structure surrounding a Star, designed to utilize all of its Radiation, has been postulated. A Type Three civilization, would theoretically, be able to ‘Live’ as Beings of Energy, & might be, truly thought of as; godly: because they would be able to manifest any thought or desire, directly accessing ambient Energies of the Universe. Since WE can’t even be seen, on these scales, though I’ve heard a Researcher say we are at a .07 of a Type One, but,  we are now classed as a Type Zero civilization, having yet to tap our Planet’s Geothermal or Electromagnetic Energy to any degree.

       Some of the problems that involve a species ‘ascendency’ is, a single Governmental authority would likely cause unequal treatment for anyone outside a small group of Management, which effectively becomes a Monarchistic system. Of course, if a majority of a species sees no real benefit, can a civilization truly ascend, or does the fortunate Elite simply become a separate species? The most obvious problem we seem to have is the use of higher Technology, which brings about greater ability of self-destruction in our weapons of War. Planetary and Stellar scale disasters are other likely obstacles, the Craters of our Moon stand as easily viewable testament, as well as documented histories like Volcanic catastrophy, to violent possibilities.

       War seems to be an inevitable consequence of rising intelligence, and can be shown even in the documented Sentience of different varieties of Cetaceans, like Dolphins and Whales. Although there have been many past Articles, usually written by those with Military or governmental backgrounds, which claim War as a driving force in new Technologies, I believe War can easily be evidenced as the cause of Human civilizations and advanced Technologies being ‘reset’ to a Zero point, with accompanying loss of real History. Ultimately, this must mean that Human civilizations inability to constructively and peacfully cooperate, will lead to the ultimate demise of the Species. A very real reason we haven’t already found traces of other intelligences as we search in the Stars might be the obstacle of self-destruction that others have faced? I feel I must note the fact that every government that has gained Nuclear weapons Technology, also documents unidentified Craft above their installations, that are not of seeming Human construction, sometimes actively causing malfunctions of the installation’s control systems.

       End of Life Events (ELE), are catastrophic calamities on a planetary scale, that could also be a reason we haven’t yet found evidence of higher type civilizations, even much lower scale catastrophies like locallized Volcanic activity , are shown to have ended advancing Human civilizations on Earth. These have also been hypothesized as events that might draw Societies together; President Ronald Reagan once gave a speech at the United Nations, in which he ‘wonders if the people’, found out an Alien species threatened them, if it would also ‘unite’ us as a species, or ‘World Government’. Unfortunately, I have personally never found evidence that the Human species advances from large-scale manipulation, seemingly rejecting Authority if events have been falsified, a quirk of Human intelligence?

       Documented evidence of several thousands of years, easily prove that Human civilizations have not advanced, or even benefitted by control or catastrophe. So, a new narrative, one that each individual is shown obvious personal benefit, rather than being forcefully herded to a narrow future that will not fit all, is in order?

       Technology that enhances and also personally empowering, is now slowly entering the Public domain (or possibly being RE-discovered?), making what was once a vague Dream, into very real possibility. A term was coined in the late 1800s that described the concept of transferring thought, directly from Mind to Mind, called; TELEPATHY. Validated results of direct communication between Minds, was achieved in 2014 by International Researchers, who successfully transmitted information from India to France, a distance of approx 5,000 miles. Thought activated devices have been in use, like those that helped the late Physicist, Steven Hawking, even allowing control of Computer and Gaming systems, for almost a decade.

       Human intellect could only be advanced by a true sharing of information. With deception and greed no longer possible, a cooperative effort may even be inevitable? Who knows? If Empathy became a value, then Humans may deserve to Ascend as a civilization?