Gravity explains almost everything.
But, what is Gravity, why and how does it explain, well, everything?
For that, we need to start at the beginning, or, more accurately, before the beginning.
SO, let me start with the Academically accepted explanations; of course, we must begin with Sir Isaac Newton’s Law of Gravity, which doesn’t explain Gravity, but instead, describes its action as a force of attraction between things having Mass. Herein quoted, ” Every particle of matter in the universe attracts every other particle with a force that is directly proportional to the product of the masses of the particles and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.” Newton’s Theory is shown mathematically as; FG = Gm1m2/r2 , the Force of Gravity is equal to its difference in Mass and their distance between each other (highly paraphrased).
This theory remained unchanged and unchallenged, for several hundred years. until it was found this theory did not work with Astronomic observations of Planetary Orbits. Albert Einstein developed a set of 10 Mathematics equations called, Einstein’s Field Equations which attempted to explain Gravity, not as a Force, but as a consequence of the curvature of, what he called, Space time, caused by uneven Masses in the Universe.
Problems with Einstein’s theory include the continued existence of rotating singularities called, Black Holes, also his descriptions of an Expanding and Contracting universe, which Data shows no existence of. Presently, Quantum Physics is grappling with theories that include a sub-atomic particle called, Graviton, which, in seemingly direct opposition to the fiction of Dark Matter, is claimed to be exponentially energetic, with no Mass. Obvious problems include the quandary of smaller than particle, particles, sort of a Flash Gordon fix, and a non-definition like the proponents of String Theory’s ever-changing descriptional mathematics, which are so contradictory that they have even changed the title to; M-Theory, to avoid scientific stigma.
So, at its essence, the physical presence of Gravity is inextricably linked to creation of the Universe, itself. The real problem of properly describing Gravity, is the accepted perception that physical Mass must have an equivalency to its Gravity. Nothing can be further from the truth of evidence though; even the largest planetary and Solar masses exist in an ocean of non-gravity, some of the smallest masses can have incredibly dense gravity, like Quasars, and Black Holes are thought to have no mass but for that they devour.
Allow me to take us to a point very few Physicists and Astronomers care to go: pre-creation Space…before Time, before anything. Most of these esteemed academics accept theories that include some kind of elemental Chaos existed, then was pressured by a super-singularity, or Black Hole, to explosion of the Big-Bang, which then flung hot matter to cool into Stars and Planets. Very nicely wrapped Cosmology, without explanation of the creation of the elemental Chaos necessary for this theory’s proof.
Before anything physical existed was nothing, more accurately, there existed: potential. In this nothingness, motion started, eventually becoming a rotation, this rotating became its own potential Energy and personal relativity was born. You can see this in the antics of the Astronauts aboard the International Space Station, while playing with Water drops in Space. They prove that everything becomes circular, when deprived of Gravity.
Now, this rotation attracted to its personal relativity, became circular and pressure occurred, which changed the potential Energy to varying Radiations that were being trapped and compressed, like Gamma, X-Rays etc. Pressure and Gravity both create Heat and experimentally have resulting data showing they can mimic one another, but, together they make magic!
Einstein’s equation of General Relativity: E=MC2, mathematically shows how Energy can create Mass, by dividing itself at 2 times the Speed of Light, C. The equation is then read: M=E/C2. Physicists have called this, the Big Bang!
My view of Cosmology has multiple Singularities that simultaneously collapse on the original, enormous parent, singularity, which cause the Big Bang and the original singularity instantly expands, becoming the Chalkboard, where everything is now drawn. Quantum Physics has a theoretical term for it: the Spin Network. The explosion also causes the creation of the, light Elements, which is observationally shown with Hydrogen, being found everywhere in the Universe. Surviving singularities, small Black Holes, then compress the light Elements with heat and Radiation, becoming the Heavy Elements.
Academic paradigm is being glacially changed due to the mountain of evidence, in both observational and experimental data, such as astronomic verification of masses forming in the layers of pressure in Atmospheres of so-called; Gas Giants, like Jupiter and Saturn, or the International experiment of deep drilling called; The KOLA Deep Borehole Project.
The answer to the question of what is Gravity, stated as simply as possible, becomes: Motion.
I’ve shown that all Matter, or Mass, is a Sum total of its Energy and can be described as vibrating, potential Energies. This is why Mass has its own Gravity, which is increased by rotational Motion.
Gravity, explains almost everything!
I know this is a simplistic definition of a complicated subject, so I would like to direct the Reader to my Book: Heaven’s Matrix, for a deep dive into my theory of Cosmology.
I would also like the reader to realize that Gravity being the product of Energy in Motion…Anti-Gravity could be as simple as perturbation of this Energy!?