A Religion Of Science

The Wiz

   "Back where I come from we have universities... ...seats of great learning, where men go to become great thinkers, When they come out, they think deep thoughts... ...with no more brains than you have, But they have one thing you haven't got: A diploma! Therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me... ...by the Universitatus Committeeatum E Pluribus Unum... ...l hereby confer upon you... ...the honorary degree of Th,D, ' Th,D,'? Yeah, that's ' Doctor of Thinkology'", quote from The Wizard of Oz script, 1939.
   In fact, anyone can be just as qualified and expert, in any field, through personal motivation and experience, than any institution of higher learning can provide. The actual value of a College degree, in which a study in 2017 had only 44% of College Graduates working in fields related to their degree, and only 12% of advanced degrees work in fields relating to their College Major. To be fair, those who earn degrees tend to make more money, even when employed outside their fields.
   I don't intend to demonize or lessen the positive impact that Public schooling and higher Education has on improving lifestyle, societies and personal growth. Our present-day problems beget from acceptance of formal education as an omnisciently  qualified source, even to the point of personally discrediting information because the sources had no academic credentials. That the information is true, has little or no bearing, if the information disagrees or varies from already accepted academic positions.
   Even if the source of data comes from those previously academically credentialed, when presenting evidence in contrary to accepted practice, the Peer-pressure has often led to those individuals' being publicly disgraced and driven from their employment. An example of this is the humiliating treatment Nuclear Scientists; Martin Fleishman and Stanley Pons (both had PhD doctorates), after making Public announcement of successfully creating Energy at room Temperatures, known as: Cold Fusion. Neither could work in the Nuclear field after their academic abandonment, but their results were duplicated by the US Navy in 1992, now renamed LENR, or, Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, because of the stigma attached with the use of Cold Fusion as a descriptive phrase. No apology has ever been offered to  Dr Fleishman or Dr Pons.
   Religion and academics have become inextricably intertwined, though you could truthfully say they are historically bound. Priests and Shaman were the first Teachers of Humanity, their places of worship were their educational institutions. There, they would promote unquestioning belief in the knowledge and Attributes of Goddesses or Gods, and the benefits they offered for their loyalty.
   So, since the most ancient times, Faith in authority, and the penalties of Sin, or  dis-belief, have been infused into the Human psyche.
   Modern education, in the European and Western traditions, is based in the Roman Catholic religion, specifically, Jesuit Monasteries seeking to reconcile known history, to validate their Christian beliefs. The result of mis-translations performed by mostly ignorant, if well-meaning priests, many of which were inserting their own alterations for personal motives, has presently led to a perceptual  history that seeks to validate one religious view.
   Christian-based educational institutions are in the vast majority, even in the United States, where the Public Education system has now become the template wherever schools are available worldwide, must hear the constant call for prayer to be acceptable conduct in school. Even what we believe to be impartial: Science, is subject to religious perception and morality, starting with each individual's religious background, and how our perception of reality is filtered through individual personality, wishes, wants and beliefs.
   But, all true science is speculative, it is intended to be continually changeable, and true science is actually a methodical practice, not the results. The Scientific Method originated in ancient Greece, then codified for academic use by Sir Francis Bacon. The basic components of this structure are: Observation, Hypothesis, Experimentation, validation of Results and final Conclusion. When alternative evidence is provided, it must be tested, not cynically denied, and if a science cannot be experimentally tested, then it is not a science, but, becomes a belief, whose teachers are more the equivalent of Priests!
   This is especially detrimental because of societal acceptance of these ministers as providers of higher truths, when, in fact, they are providers of confusion and their beliefs are actually holding society hostage on a Flat Earth! In reality, if you need belief, then it is  not a science, or even truthful, I call it manipulation.
   Individuals who refute or reject what is academically acceptable are subject to scorn, mockery and even death, the results when long-held beliefs are threatened. Even when those beliefs are provably incorrect, new information is denied and often ignored because new paradigms must be formed. 
   In the early 1800's Naturalists discovered the ruins of an ancient Sumerian city named; Ur, and its vast library of Cuneiform-inscribed clay tablets. Cuneiform language was translated into a readable form by the mid-1800's, and by the end of the Century the Epic of Gilgamesh was found to have remarkable parallels to the version of Noah's Ark and the Great Flood, found in the Torah and Pentateuch (which are one and the same) of the Bible.
   Academically ignored until the latter-half of the next Century, the study of  Cuneiform had continued until an Archaeologist with a Doctorate caused Public uproar, by making those religious parallels known. He was academically mocked by his Peers until his death, but he had caused serious study, presently, the World's foremost Linguists have determined that all the stories of the Torah/Pentateuch are retelling of Sumerian sources, written in Cuneiform thousands of years before the Hebrew versions.
    Those are written as a Moralistic story form called, Parable, and the Hebrew verses also have deeper Kabbalistic meaning, because the Hebrew Alphabet also has numerical meaning and is coded as historically written. Factually, we now know these religious texts are not documentary history, they are not accurate, nor are they scientific in any sense of the word.
   This obviously discredits any academic Doctorates and Degrees bestowed that support the false paradigm of Biblical history, an acceptance of which might collapse the whole academic structure! Possibly the structure has a faulty foundation, which needs to be rebuilt, or we need better architects? 
   It appears that any academic fundamentalism is problemary, at best, for example: after more than 100 years, Physics is still looking for Dark Matter, even though evidence has proven contrary, or Evolution, which has as much fossil and artifacts in evidence against the Theory, as it publicly parades in favor. Astronomy and Cosmology are just as bad, when there is a consensus that the age of the Universe is 14 Billion plus years, but Microwave analysis (as far as our tools reach) have the Universe's diameter at 95 Billion light years! Psychology only works when subjects are unaware of manipulation, and cannot explain physical reality, only the perceptions that some have of reality.
   If Racism is defined as belief that your Skin color qualifies your superiority of species, then Academic-ism  is a factual definition of a perceptual superiority, not a physical reality. Because of manipulation through marketing of educational sources, like Colleges and Universities, and privatization of what was once Public schooling at the Elementary level, academics has become self-serving and money oriented. 
   Graduates are immediately indebted to economic systems that are only backed by the Debt their Citizens accumulate, so advanced degrees seek higher Wages, to help pay their burdens even though Wages and Intellect are provably false equivalents.
   Human value should never associate their worth, with their academic accreditation or manipulate especially young, who seldom know their vocational futures. Advice, though seldom taken, and always offered, is all I can give,  I would caution those looking for higher Wage-paying employment, to seek minimum accreditation needed, like Vocational or Community College, because employment percentages of those Certifications tend to be much higher (80% or higher), and only seek those Graduate Degrees direcly associated with your chosen employment.
   In 16 years of employment with the United States Postal Service, I felt fortunate to work with so many intellectually motivated people, many had College Degrees, including 6 who had PhD's, and uncounted numbers of those with Master's. It's because the USPS only employs after written and instructional Testing, has hopefuls scoring 90% and up, then Hiring the best. It's been my experience that Master's degrees are more adaptable workers than PhD's!
   Knowledge has never been more available, to more people, than in our present day. Satellite imagery has allowed any person with a passion, the chance to research, study and enjoy the World, as far as our personal passions will take us...even to Space! SO WHAT, if you never gain or complete a College Degree? I will never place those with academic accreditation on a pedestal, neither will I denigrate  them, as long as the Cult, is not yet passing-out the Kool-Aid, or creating super-Villains!