If ever you meet an all-powerful Genie, Archangel or Quantum Computer that has the ability to grant your deepest Wish, when you ponder just which Treasure would best benefit, you could not possibly Wish for anything greater than Clarity!
       From my Book; Heaven’s Matrix, An Astonishing Vision Of Anunna-Ki:
       The scope of Human vision is, by all definitions of the word: sight, very limited. If our eyes were checked and rated, against all the known varieties of the animal kingdom, our vision would be rated near the bottom. We have an extremely limited color spectrum, our perimeters are bound by our physical limitations and functional distance vision, varies dramatically from person to person. Humans cannot see closely either, as whole Worlds are shown Microscopically, while we remain completely unaware.
       Strangely, for an animal supposedly evolved, on this World, processed by millions of years as; Hunters and Gatherers, our eyes get damaged extremely easily in direct sunlight. The limits of Human night-vision, is evidence against a subterranean evolution, relatively blind, even at low-levels of Light deprivation.
       Adding to the problem is; Human perception of what we view, is limited by these physical attributes, we call senses, as well as our personal values. The way each individual’s environment, even principles and religious beliefs, cause our brains to color or filter what we perceive, often leading to denial of what we actually see. An example of this is the historic meeting of Christopher Columbus and the indigenous people living in the Caribbean Islands, called Taino, who reportedly could not see the ships in their harbor, and thought those people had come from the sky, because they had no perceptual reference for ships!
       Perception is altered, and fooled, by simple misdirection, or even distance from the Audience. Being too close to the subject, even with the best vision, is misleading: If you’ve ever attended a Magic show, then you can attest to the ease at which we can be distracted from the truth, or when attempting to hang a picture on a wall, most people make several tries at leveling, and will have to step back, until they get a bigger orientation of the full surroundings.
       So, we build tools to assist our perceptions, no, not just Laser Light Levels, and the high technology of recent sciences, but, the simple tools of our historic past, still aid in observation. Using tools for observation has its own perceptual problems too: causing a narrow view, and reliance on the tool, itself. Tools are altered, in turn, by their Inventors perceptions too, often used against their inventor’s purpose; I note the so-called, Lie Detector or Polygraph. John A. Larson invented the original, to monitor the physical reactions of deception, very publicly warned against the use as a detector of deception, but, is still in use as just that!…
       …And, the tools we build to assist in observation are limited by our technological capabilities, as well as the ability to process the results. I note: in the 1970’s, Astronomers claimed to have found the shape and size of the known Universe. Now, we know this was just the limits of the instruments being used, at the time, in 2018, our instruments show an ever-expanding Universe, with no defined edges.
       Dimensions beyond our perceptions of reality, may be co-existent and interacting with us, possibly even subtly manipulating our narrow views. Beings long thought to be Myth, may simply be able to use other Spectrums as an adaptive camouflage, or doors to parallel worlds!
       Quantum Physics has determined that the act of conscious observation alters and even creates our reality, so a clear perception may well be essential to the keys of creation, itself! Clarity of individual perception should never be confused with skepticism, which, though originally defined as: thoughtfulness, has become inextricably intertwined with Cynicism; an automatic denial or doubt of disagreeable facts. A true Skeptic has the ability to let-go of doubt and immerse themselves, whether culturally disagreeable, or not, because an open Mind is the single-most important component of clear and truthful conclusions.
       Of all the Treasures our Universe has to offer, I can think of NO greater than seeking Truths that don’t require belief…to seek the Clarity of Perception is to seek the highest goal our species can attain.