Basically, the Definitions for these Three subjects, have been decided FOR us by People who, seemingly, should KNOW more than the ‘unwashed Masses’. These are People we know as; Academicians, People who, by force of Data they are force-fed, by a Teaching means of repetition & reward, gain Credentials, IF they Repeat the ‘right’ answers, often enough.

IF Academicians then choose to Evidence the ‘wrong’ answers, or come to Conclusions at ‘odds’, with their ‘Peers’, they are ostracized, sometimes very Publically, and driven to obscurity, at best, or OUT of their chosen Fields, at worst.

MYTHS, are Defined as; a Traditional, or legendary Stories‘, that Academicians want you to think, have NO basis in reality. For Example: the Sumerian Stories that indicate their ‘gods’ came from the Stars, and created the Genetic mix that is the Human species. Other examples include, the Greek, Viking and Mayan gods, or the Pantheon of Egyptian hierarchy.

FABLES, then, are Traditional Tales used for Teaching a ‘Moral’, such as the Parables in the Bible, and often used to indicate Tribal beliefs, or ‘boundary’ issues, like Taboos. These Stories often might indicate dire examples of exactly what may happen if you disobeyed, even if the torturous ending would be a physical impossibility.

Problemary to those same Academicians promoting Scholarly views of History is; reality and Truth, are more often at odds with their View., and Mythos becomes True History. Heinrich Schiemann is a fine Example, as almost everyone remembers the Story of the Man who, using Plato’s Story, long believed Myth, ran around a Hill, until Credentialed Scholars agreed that he had found the REAL City of Troy!

What normally happens when reality collides with Scholarly ‘history’ is; Denial, Collusion, Discredit and Rebuke. REALLY. The Archaeological Dig site at Huayatlaco, Mexico serves as an unfortunate example, of the WORST, that can happen with providing Evidence disagreeing with Peer-Driven Academics.

Virginia Steen-Macintyre PhD, was an up and coming notable young Archaeologist, sent to oversee the Dig at Huayatlaco, where apparent indigenous Artifacts, had been found. At the time, Folsom Arrowheads, dated to about 20,000 yrs, were thought to be the oldest sign of Indigenous People in North America. The Artifacts at Huayatlaco were coming back dated an astonishing 200,000=500,000 yrs old!

I won’t, now, go through everything that happened, to Summarize: Ms. Steen-Macintyre has never been able to return to the Field of Archaeology, Mexican Govt allowed the Construction of Apartment Buildings, in the Dig area, and almost all the Artifacts are missing or destroyed!

I guess one could call this, cautionary Tale, a Modern Fable, complete with a; “See What Happens When…”, moral.

This kind of Fable, that is A-Moral, or ‘Im-Moral’ at best, is presented throughout History, for Example; The Fable (not Myth) of Daedalus, Icarus, and the ‘Wings of Wax and Feathers’, comes to Mind. It is a Story of a Wise Elder, and his Son, who builds amazing Wings, so he could Fly as the Birds. Out of Love, he makes his Son a Pair, who he knows is impetuous, and cautions.”Don’t Fly too High, or the Wax will melt from the Heat of the Sun, and you will surely fall to your Death!” Sure enough, his Son doesn’t listen to his Elder, his Wings melt, and falls to his Death.

BUT, if you know a bit, have flown at High Altitude, or Hiked a Mountain: Temperature drops as your Altitude increases! Therefore, the Impetuous Young Man, was right, and his Father should be ashamed of his Lies!

Which brings us to…’Goldilocks’. NOT the Fable of Three Bears, and a stupidly Selfish Young Girl…but the Modern Myth, called the Goldilocks Zones! As in ALL Myths, there is, at least, some factual basis for the Story. Let me explain:

OUR Sun, has a Measurably high Temperature; approx 5,500 dg Celsius, at the Photosphere, or the ‘surface’. Weirdly, it Heats-Up, as the Energy leaves it’s Atmosphere, or Corona, to approx 3.6 Million dg.

Our Sun is NOT; a ‘Flaming Ball of Fire’!…Not even CLOSE!


When we first sent Men into Space, we gave the Astronauts Spacesuits with very close-fitting Gloves, so they could move their Fingers. Immediately, the Men reported their Extremities were too cold to Work with, and the Gloves had to be Pressurized, with Warm air, and any Tools to be used in Space, MUST be very easy to activate.

BUT Astronomers want you to believe that the Sun can actually Warm Space, and create ‘Temperate Zones’, so that “Life-as-we-know-it”, can survive. NOTHING is farther from the Truth! For Example;

The Sun’s Heat NEVER reaches the Earth! Matter of Fact: the coldness of Space dissipates Heat, SO fast, ICE is found on the Planet Mercury! Remember that Mercury’s Orbit is just outside the Sun’s Corona!

What is actually Heating the Earth is, Plasma Energy, Radiation and…Gravity! Goldilocks then, becomes a Modern Myth, and ‘Life’, is more linked to: Gravity!

For Proof, I offer the single-most under-reported Scientific Experiment: The KOLA Superdeep Borehole. Starting in 1970, until it’s closure in 1992, then Soviet Russia, invested a LOT of their Wealth in ‘Pure’ Scientific Research.

The Borehole Experiment was to dig as deep as possible, and find the ‘secrets’ of Inner-Earth. By 1992, they had reached a depth of approx 12 kilometers. Along the way, they made several astonishing discoveries; at about 16,000 ft, the (then) oldest Fossils were found to be, Plankton. Basically unchanged from it’s Present Form, dated to 6 Million yrs, or the Time thought to first evidence Life on Earth. Which means that: NO Evolution had taken place! Too disturbing for Western Science?

One of the MOST important Discoveries is that; Hydrogen and Oxygen were being fused under Pressure, creating Water, in Aquifers. No Fission, no ‘Boom’. Important is the FACT that Water WILL form in Aquifers when Hydrogen & Oxygen are present in an Atmosphere! It means that ANY Planet with an Atmosphere, will create enough Water for Life…as we know it!

A few other Discoveries include: the Fact that OIL is NOT, ‘Fossil-Fuel’, but is very likely Coal, being Liquefied at Pressure! But Scientist already knew that NO Oil had ever accompanied Fossil finds. If Living Organisms became Oil, upon death, then I’m sure Cemeteries would be built over Funnels, and BIG Billboards would declare; ‘Drill Babies. Drill!’

Another Borehole find: Gravity and Pressure mimic each other, and ROCKS become Plasticine, or ‘moldable’, under Pressure! This brings the Megalithic buildings which show evidence of softening, where the Stone is joined, into a new light! And, it doesn’t matter how hard of Stone, even Diamonds, exhibit this!

BUT, the Reason the Borehole was closed, is the Fact that it simply got too HOT! The bottom of the Borehole reached 365 dg. For Informational purposes; Rock & Stone become molten, at approx 1500 dg! When you think about how hot the Earth is, at the Center, remember 365 dg, at 12 Km, the Center of the Earth is 6731 Km!

IF you do the Math, then you realize, that ANY Planet, of proper Size and Mass, with Hydrogen & Oxygen in their Atmosphere, will have ALL the needed ingredients for Life!

Gravity will create it’s own Heat, Pressure will cause Water to Form, while Cosmic Radiation provides any needed reactions at Planetary surface, especially if the Planet doesn’t have the Van Allen Belts, like Earth.

Goldilocks is dead! The Universe is likely FULL of Life, and certainly doesn’t need narrow Physical attributes for Life, even as we know it! IF Scientists can look past their own Arrogance, and POOL the Knowledge then Humanity would surely advance into it’s godly Image?